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Tour and travel has been decimated by the COVID-19 crisis. We're now forced to create our own road map to recovery - as professionals and at home. Though we have no idea how long this will take, we know that we need to practice safe measures and we need to make educated decisions. We could also use a little positivity and hope. And this is exactly what this project is about. Because we're a travel family. And we are #TourismStrong

Who We Are

We're a group of tourism professionals who are committed to industry recovery. We are volunteers from many places and many sectors. Our backgrounds range from marketing, to sales, to operations, and beyond.

What This Is

This is a volunteer effort to help fellow members of the tourism industry navigate through the COVID-19 crisis. Our goal is to do that through sharing hope messaging, providing education and fostering connection.

What You'll Find

We're using the viral spread of our #TourismStrong frame as a way to bring the world together. Here, you'll find FREE resources to keep a positive mindset, ways to connect with others, original content, and avenues to stay in tune.
the curated list

Latest News & Initiatives

Tell the World

We Are #TourismSTrong

Together we are stronger, and we will get to the other side. View and share the first video for our industry pride.


More Things To Get Into

Useful Educational Links

Connect With People Across the Planet

Social Media Tools

Industry Pride Freebies